Monday 19 December 2016

Merry Christmas sms,Messages,wishes

Merry Christmas sms

Merry christmas : Hello everyone ,again this festival of gift,love and affection is here and you guys must be waiting for your gifts as well ,isn't  it? Well you can actually get some gift by sending these lovely messages to your loved once.Christmas means a tree full of lights and lots of gifts under that glittering tree,A mouthwatering meal after the celebration with a glass of wine.Sounds perfect isn't it? but before that there is a very important thing and that's wishing your loved once.On this occasion i am sharing these Merry christmas sms with you all. You can share these Merry christmas sms through whats app,face book or through other social media.These Merry christmas sms are specially handpicked for you all.So don't forget to share these Merry christmas sms with your friends ,family and dear friends.

Merry christmas sms

Christmas brings family and friends together*****
it helps us appreciate the love
in our lives we can often take for granted****
May the true meaning of the holiday season fill your heart
and home with many blessings *****

Take time during the rush of the holidays
to enjoy the things in life that really matter******
Take in the serene moments spent with friends and loved ones,
and may the wonder of Christmas
surround you throughout the holiday season******

Merry christmas sms

The warmth and love surrounding Christmas ******
is a joy to be savoured with family and friends.
It is a time to give and share with one another. ******
Here’s to wishing you the best this season has to offer.

Amidst the Christmas carols, eggnog, cookies
and mounds of presents, may your heart be filled*****
with contentment and the unique feeling of joy
that the season brings******

Merry christmas sms

During the miraculous time that *****
is Christmas may you see with the eyes of a child,
experience the wonder of love, ********
and truly enjoy all that the season has to offer.

It’s the time of year when loved ones gather together.
It is a special time to be thankful for all of
the wonderful blessings in our lives.
Sending you good wishes and the hope
that your holiday will be a joyous one

I hope that you loved these messages .Don't just keep them share them with your friends and family friends and let them know how much love them.

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