Wednesday 29 March 2017

Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

April fool 2017Messages /SMS/wishes

These are some hilarious April fool 2017 sms ,messages and wishes that you can share with your friends and best buddies.feel free to share these April fool 2017 sms  ,messages and wishes make your april fool day more entertaining.Wish you all very entertaining april fool day 2017.

Happy April Fool 2017 Messages


r u smiling now?
happy april fool..


Just a friendly reminder -

Relationships are precious,
do not hurt them by fooling
and lying on first April.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

31st March Or 1st april
Fool is Fool dosnt matter.
Wishing very happy, prosperous and joyful
Fool Day to the King of Fools.. :)
Happy April Fool.


Hey U Know
Which is the best day to propose a girl.. April 1
U Know Why??
If she accept its your luck
otherwise just tell April Foooooll.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

Sardar got into a bus on 1st April
when conductor asked for ticket.
He gave Rs.10/-
and took the ticket and said april fool.
I have pass.
Happy April Fool.


Fact1: You can not touch
your lower lip with your tounge...

Fact2: After reading this,
99/100 idiots would try it.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

You are one of the most CUTE persons in the world!!
Just a second, don't misunderstand.
CUTE means:
Happy April Fool.


If today any 1 talks & praises u 4 ur
1) gud looks
2 ) nature
3 ) style
4 ) attitude,
kick them off.
How dare they fool u before april 1st.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

NeeDS U..
Worries About U
Lonely Without U
Guess Who?
... THE ZOO ..
Happy April Fool.


Cheese is Cheese
Butter is butter
if u 4get me
i will throw u in
* G U T T E R *
Happy April Fool.


A - U r Attractive
B - U r the Best
C - U r Cute
D - U r Dear 2 Me
E - U r Excellent
F - U r Funny
G - U r Good-Looking
H - hehehe
I - I'm
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

Doing nothing?
Then Make a Place,
4 Me in ur Heart!!
I May come there any time!
Ur's Faithfully,
Heart attack...
Happy April Fool.


If people says you are crazy, be patiend.
If they say you are monkey, relax.
If they say you are stupid, be cool
But if they say you are smart, Then slap that stupid.
Happy April Fool.


If you are in tension,
If nothing seems right,
If u find no way out,
Then just think of me only once,
I will be always there to INCREASE your tensions.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

So Sweet is ur SMILE???
So Sweet is ur STYLE???
So Sweet is ur VOICE???
So Sweet is ur EYE?????
See Sweetly I LIE.
Happy April Fool.


U will be a ROSE for all TREES
U will be a SMILE
For all FACES
U will be WATER FALLS for all HILLS
& will be a BROHTER
For all CUTE GIRLS .
Happy April Fool.


When u feel sad, to cheer up just go to the mirror and say,
"Damn I am really so cute".
U will overcome your sadness.
But don't make this a habit.
Coz liars go to hell.
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

When ur life is in darkness pray 2 God ask him 2 free u 4rm darkness &
After if u pray &ur still in darkness,
Happy April Fool.


I  have changed my number,
Note down my new no.
And plz give me a miss call.
My new number is…..
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

The Men who are feeling
left out because of Women's Day,
Don't feel sad...
Men's day is coming soon,
just that across the world
it's called by a different name on April 1st !
Happy April Fool.


Best relationships needs no promises,
no demands and no expectations...
it just needs two people.
One fool like you;
And one cool like me.
Happy April Fool!


Q: What will be the girl's name born on 1st of APRIL?
Guess Guess
Happy April Fool.


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

Research has proved that
all fools use their THUMB
while scrolling an SMS.
Now it's too late.
Don't try to use a finger.
Catch another fool!
Happy April Fools' Day!


I may forget to wish you on Holi,
Diwali, Xmas or even New Year;
But I am very thankful to God
that I remember and wish you
on a very special day meant
for people like you.
Happy April Fool!


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

God made day light and called it Sun;
God made entertainment and called it Fun;
God made night light and called it Moon;
God made a You and called it Cartoon.
Happy April Fool!


5 friends namely Mad, Brain, Fool, Somebody and Nobody live together as PGs.
One day, Somebody killed Nobody.
Mad called the Police.
Mad: Is it Police Station?
Police: Yes, what is the matter?
Mad: Somebody killed Nobody.
Police: Are you Mad?
Mad: Yes, how did you know?
Police: Don't you have Brain?
Mad: Brain is in the bathroom.
Police: You Fool.
Mad: No... Fool is reading the message very seriously.
Happy April Fool!


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

I am really jealous of you.
The day is not far off when people shall:
Talk about you;
Discuss your work;
Dissect your actions;
And your name would be on almost evryone's mind.
And that day is
April Fool!
Happy April Fool!


I am a fool;
I am a fool;
I am a fool;
OK OK Cool;
I agree U, are a fool.
Now Control urself.
Happy April Fool!


Happy April Fool 2017 Messages

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