Tuesday 21 March 2017

Navratri 2017 Messages/Wishes/SMS in English

Navratri 2017 Messages in English

Here are some Navratri Messages in English. Dont forget to share these messages... Jai Mata Di.

Navratri Messages in English

May your life be filled with happiness
on this pious festival of Navratri,
Happy Navratri!


Fortunate is the one who has learned to Admire,
but not to envy.
Good Wishes for a joyous Navratri
with a plenty of Peace and Prosperity.
Happy Navratri!


Long live the tradition of Hindu culture
and as the generations have passed by
Hindu culture is getting stronger and stronger lets keep it up.
Best Wishes for Navratri


Navratri Messages in English

Memories of moments celebrated together...
Moments that have been attached in my heart, forever...
Make me Miss You even more this Navratri.
Hope this Navratri brings in Good Fortune
& Abounding Happiness for you!
HAPPY Navratri


This Navratri, may you be blessed with good fortune
As long as Ganeshji's trunk,
Wealth and prosperity as big as his stomach,
Happiness as sweet as his laddoos
And may your trouble be as small as his mouse.


May this navratre give u…
Happy Navratri..


Navratri Messages in English

May MATA bless you on this special days of Navratri,
and may on this festive season Dhan,
Yash and Samriddhi comes to your home...
Happy Navratri!


Those empty spaces were my silent prayers,
asking Maa Durga to guide and protect YOU
always in whatever YOU do and wherever YOU are!
Happy navratri and durga puja.


Memories of moments celebrated together,
Moments that have been attached in my heart forever,
Make me miss you even more this Navratri.
Hope this Navratri brings in good fortune.
Happy Durga Pooja...


Navratri Messages in English

Today is first NAVRATRA.
May GOD DURGA give prosperous
to you and to your family.
May her blessings be always with you.
JAI MAATA DI. Happy Navratri!


May This Navratri be as bright as ever.
May this Navratri bring joy,
health and wealth to you.
May the festival of lights brighten up
you and your near and dear ones lives.
Happy Navratri Durga puja...


Fortunate is the one who
has learned to Admire,
but not to envy.
Good Wishes for a joyous
Navratri with plenty of
Peace and Prosperity...
Happy Navratri.


Navratri Messages in English

Let the blessings of Maa Durga usher you!
On the eve of Durga Puja I wish for you
a Good Health and Happy Moments.


Happy Navaratri,
I wish to Godess Durga that remove
your all trobles and sorrows.
Brings 9 colors hapines in your
life & all your wishes come true.
God bless you!
Happy Navratri.


May Maa Durga empower you and your
family with her nine Swaroopa of Name,
Bhakti & Shakti.


Navratri Messages in English

What is that bright light?
From where does this fragrance coming?
This gentle breeze, cool air, hearty music...
Oh! its Navaratri
Happy Navaratri...


Memories of moments celebrated together.
Moments that have been attached in my heart forever
Make me Miss You even more this Navratri.
Hope this Navratri brings in Good Fortune.
Happy Navaratri.


God durga is embodiment of shakti
who has overcome the evils of the world.
May this Navaratri every one uses here
blessings and power to overcome their problems
in life wish you all a Hapy Navaratri...


Navratri Messages in English

May Goddess Durga give you
strength to practice abstinence
through practice!
Happy Navratras!


Nava Durga has come to our presence
to grace us with her supremacy,
let us worship her with happiness
and spirit cherish her blessings
and celebrate with our loved ones
wish you all a Happy Navratri!


Our thoughts hold the power to
build bend or break our circumstances.
May Navratri gladden your hearts
and fill every desire...
Happy Navratras.


Navratri Messages in English

On this auspicious occasion of durga pooja,
I wish you are blessed with prosperity and
success by Maa Durga. Wish you to all of you
HAPPY Navratri!


May Mata bless you on this special day
of Navratri and may on this festive season Dhan,
Yash and Samriddhi comes to your home...
Happy Navratri!


My wishes,
may Mata bless you and your family,
and fill your home with happiness and prosperity...
Happy Navratri!


Navratri Messages in English

May Devi durga give you all the gifts of life,
gifts of joy,
gifts of happiness,
gifts of friendship,
gifts of love and
all other gifts you want to have in your life.
Happy Navratri!


Navratri Messages in English

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