Thursday 5 January 2017

Friday Messages, Weekend messages

Friday Messages, Weekend messages :

Weekend means break from a long hectic & Busy week & its starts from Friday evening, Friday means the start of the weekend.
People eagerly wait for Friday so that they can plan some weekend party, weekend trip, weekend shopping, weekend get to gather and some people like me do nothing & just relax on their bad. But don't be like me and plan something to make someone's weekend worthy & more beautiful ;)

Here are some messages of Friday, Don't wait share them & start a fabulous weekend with Friday messages


There is a king of everything so that
Friday is a day which is the king of days.
So Happy Friday!

Friday Means The Start Of The Weekend,
Weekend Means Awesomeness,
So Be Thankful That It Came,
Happy Friday!

Forget The Hectic Week,
Think About The Peaceful Days,
Because Here Comes Friday,
Just Have A Day Out And A Blessed Friday!
Happy Friday!

I Wait For Fridays Like
The Babies Wait For Cheese Cakes,
So Eagerly,
So Passionately,
This Is My Innocent Way,
Hope You Do The Same,
Happy Friday!

Fridays Are Hope For
Peaceful Weekends,
Calm Days Ahead..
I Wish You Have A Very
Calm Friday And Weekend Ahead..
Happy Friday!

Put On Some Extra Make Up,
Wear Your Favorite Dress,
Handle The High Heels,
Because It’s The Last Day
Then It’s A Weekend..
Happy Friday!

All Days Are Beautiful
But Fridays Have Their Own Charm,
You End Up The Work
And Get A Weekend Surprise,
Happy Friday!

Don’t Lose Hope,
Don’t Take The Pressure.
Just A Little More,
Then Weekend For Sure,
Happy Friday!

Have A Lighter Day,
Have A Brighter Eve,
Have A Blessed Night,
May Your Day Be So Bright,
Happy Friday!

Focus less on the work and more on their faith.
Happy Friday!

The first thing I do at the start of every week is drop to my knees
and pray for Friday to come as fast as humanly possible.
Happy Friday!

Who cares about Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday?
My week starts at 5:01 on Friday,
and ends at 9:00 on Monday.
Happy Friday!

I have tried all of the other days in the week,
and nothing seems to compare to my beloved Friday.
Happy Friday!


Give someone a hug.
Give someone a kiss.
It is Friday,
and there is no better day in the week to start
and finish as fast as possible.
Happy Friday!

The golden time of our lives
always starts on a Friday.
Whether we’re in school or have a job,
Fridays are awesome
Happy Friday!

Oh what a glorious day.
Not only is Friday here,
but I have a full two days off with those that I love.
Life is good.
Happy Friday!

What are you doing this weekend?
I am going to reflect on Friday
and try to figure out why I am not excited for
any Monday that comes.
Happy Friday!

Friday is like a cold beer
that lasts all night through Saturday and Sunday
before being cut off by the miserable Monday.
Happy Friday!

I have always been told that
if you love something, set it free.
Friday comes and goes,
and always finds its way back to me.
Happy Friday!

Friday is like a green light;
you speed up until after work,
and start to slow down once the light turns yellow.
Happy Friday!

What does a person that loves their job say?
It’s Friday already?
Those that hate their job say:
thank God it’s Friday.
Happy Friday!

You know that life is good when
you get to sit down on a Friday
and drink wine while forgetting all of the challenges of life.
Happy Friday!

Every day that we wake up
with oxygen in our lungs is a good day,
but when that day is a Friday,
it is even better.
Happy Friday!

Never take Friday for granted.
Friday is the day that allows you to
lounge around in your boxers all weekend long.
Happy Friday!

Friday Means The Start Of The Weekend,
Weekend Means Awesomeness,
So Be Thankful That It Came,
Happy Friday!


Don’t Lose Hope,
Don’t Take The Pressure.
Just A Little More,
Then Weekend For Sure,
Happy Friday!


All Days Are Beautiful
But Fridays Have Their Own Charm,
You End Up The Work
And Get A Weekend Surprise,
Happy Friday!
Have A Lighter Day,
Have A Brighter Eve,
Have A Blessed Night,
May Your Day Be So Bright,
Happy Friday!

it's a great day make some more wonderful memories
to add to your already blessed life
Happy Friday!


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